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Indonesian- Year 5&6

All You Need to Know

Students are looking at a story called Keluarga besar, keluarga kecil. This story allows students the opportunity to revise and extend their knowledge of family, it also gives them the opportunity to expand that knowledge to include step and foster family members. 

As well as exploring some similarities and differences between families.

Students are looking at a story called ‘Aduh! Terlambat sekolah.’ There are lots of new target structures in this story including some around school (tas, ujian, siswa-siswa, lemari); food (roti panggang, lalat, es jeruk, susu, enak); and revision of days of the week and time.

Through the story students will practice common Indonesian language structures and participate in a variety of games and activities to help students acquire Indonesian language. 

Term 3: Mildred Mau Pacar

This term students will extend their vocabulary to include...

Term 4

Schedule Item Body

YEAR 5&6 T1-T4: Schedule
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